Dear Colleagues,
Greetings again from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
We would like to introduce three updates regarding NDL services.
(1) Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion)
The NDL made approximately 500 sound recordings of the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion) available for streaming online as of Feb 25, 2022.
The total number of recordings contained in Rekion is about 50,000 items. Approximately 6,000 of them are provided on the internet, while others are available only on the premises of the NDL and about 330 Rekion partner libraries in Japan and overseas.
The Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion),
List of Rekion partner libraries,
(2)The NDL now provides the complete JAPAN/MARC data
The NDL now provides the complete JAPAN/MARC data as of Feb. 18, 2022.
JAPAN/MARC is a machine-readable version of the Japanese National Bibliography (standard bibliographic data for Japanese publications and foreign publications in Japanese) and name authority data.
If you need the complete JAPAN/MARC data, please read the following page and send a request.
*JAPAN/MARC data may be freely used, including for commercial use. Please see the following page for details.
(3) Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures
Extensively redesigned digital exhibition "Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures" available!
"Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures" is the NDL's digital exhibition introducing people who had impact on shaping modern Japanese society along with their portrait photographs.
Expanding the scope by adding 155 people and approximately 1,100 photographs, we currently offer articles on 755 people and approximately 1,900 photographs in total.
Visit and make use of the website as a database of portrait photographs and for study.
Best wishes,
OSHIBA Tadahiko (Mr.)
Branch Libraries and Cooperation Division
Administrative Department
National Diet Library, Japan