The efforts to achieve an extended access to the NDL digital collections from abroad have reached a new stage. The draft to change the respective law/regulations has been issued. Currently the Japanese government collects public comments concerning the draft. Please find below Prof. Takeuchi’s email. Prof Takeuchi (Vice-President of Chiba University and NCC’s former Japan liaison) has arranged the meeting of Ms. Noguchi and Mr. Dunkel with the representatives of the Bunkachō last year. He requests the community in Europe to support the draft by giving positive comments using the form provided here:
He also asks to refrain from referring to the technical limitations of the sōshin sābisu at this stage of the process, as it is important to gain access to the extended collection of digitized materials at all first. To improve the technical possibilities will be a different problem to tackle at a later stage.
Deadline for posting comments: 29th March 2017 (Japanese time!)
Please spread the news in your institutions as every single comment counts!
It would be great to show the Japanese government the strong support for this draft in the community of Japanese researchers / Japan-related libraries abroad.