The 18th Forum on the Collaborative Reference Database Project
The Collaborative Reference Database (CRD) is a tool for providing reference services at the National Diet Library, Japan (NDL), that is currently being developed in collaboration with libraries throughout Japan. At present, the database comprises about 150,000 queries that were submitted to reference librarians throughout Japan and which, together with their answers, are available to be browsed by the general public.
For details, please visit: https://crd.ndl.go.jp/en/library/index.html
The subject of this year’s Forum on the CRD Project will be “Encountering special libraries through the CRD: The attraction of special libraries” and will focus on libraries with a specialized subject matter, libraries established by private enterprise, and other kinds of special libraries.
The Forum will open with a speech by Prof. AOYAGI Eiji of the School of Arts and Letters at Meiji University, who will discuss special libraries, their roles in the community, and the significance of their engagement in the CRD project. Afterwards, some special libraries that have been actively registering unique data in the CRD will give presentations on the features of their institution and how they accept referral questions.
We hope that this Forum serves to promote interlibrary reference and information exchange between libraries with differing specialties as well as the registration of data by special libraries, thereby further improving library services that utilize CRD network. We also look forward to special libraries that are not yet participating in the CRD project to consider joining our network.
This forum will be held online and entirely in the Japanese language. Anyone who is interested in the CRD or the subject matter of this Forum is welcome to participate.
Encountering special libraries through the CRD: The attraction of special libraries
Time and Date:
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
1 p.m. to 4:25 p.m. JST
Online via Webex Webinars
Main program (entirely in the Japanese language):
- Opening speech “The attraction of special libraries”
Prof. AOYAGI Eiji, School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University
- Reports from participating libraries
1. IZUMI Mineko, National Institute of Public Health Library 2. HIRAMATSU Tomoko and YOSHINO Yukari, Japanese Correctional Association Library 3. KOMURO Rie, Toyota Automobile Museum Library, Toyota Motor Corporation 4. ABE Mari, Library of Printing Museum, Tokyo, Toppan Inc.
- Report from the NDL
Library Support Division from the Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library, Japan
- Roundtable discussion
Participating libraries
Coordinator: NISHIGUCHI Mitsuo, Toyonaka City Shonai Library
An hour-long social event will be held after the forum (participation is optional).
Please see the following page for information in Japanese on the program and how to register.
The 18th forum on the Collaborative Reference Database Project https://crd.ndl.go.jp/jp/library/forum_18.html
Please direct all inquiries to the Library Support Division Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library, Japan
E-mail: info-crd@ndl.go.jp